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Rachel Witherspoon
April 10, 1938 - July 16, 2020
Obituary For Rachel Witherspoon
It is with our deepest condolences that the management and staff of Glen White Memorial Funeral Home share the funeral arrangements for Mother Rachel Witherspoon . On Thursday morning, July 16, 2020, an angel of the Lord came and transitioned Rachel from this earthly life to sweet fellowship with the saints in Heaven. Without looking back to bid us farewell, she crossed into a land that is fairer than day.
To Rachel’s: children and grandchildren
Those we love remain with us For love itself lives on, And cherished memories never fade Because a loved one's gone. Those we love can never be More than a thought apart, For as long as there is memory, They'll live on in the heart.
Rachel, is not ever gone; she just moved on.
With Sympathy,
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01:00 PM
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