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It is with our deepest condolences that the management and staff of Glen White Memorial Funeral Home share the funeral arrangements for Mrs. Janice Waller-McGee . On Monday morning, July 13, 2020, an angel of the Lord came and transitioned Janice from this earthly life to sweet fellowship with the saints in Heaven. Without looking back to bid us farewell, she crossed into a land that is fairer than day.
To Janice’s family:
Those we love remain with us For love itself lives on, And cherished memories never fade Because a loved one's gone. Those we love can never be More than a thought apart, For as long as there is memory, They'll live on in the heart.
Janice, is not ever gone; she just moved on.
With Sympathy,
Celebration of Life
09:00 AM
McGee Estate4103 US Highway 80Faunsdale , Al
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I worked with Janice at Marion Military Institute. Not only was Janice a true professional, she was a dear friend. I missed her so much when she moved to Lawson, but I did get to see her occasionally when we met at meetings. I am so sorry for her dear family. She was the best!
July 21, 2020
Shawanda Thomas
Janice was one of the sweetest people I knew. We seemed to relate on a different level since we were from a similar background. I will miss her. She was one of a kind.
July 19, 2020
Sharon Crews
It seems like a short time that we had with Janice. She was always the same each day and I never wondered if what she thought or if she had my back. I will truly miss Janice and pray her spirit continues to go with us and her family. With Love Sharon
July 18, 2020
Tommie Reese
Our hearts are with you during the loss of Janice. She was a very sweet person. Our thoughts and prayers are with The McGhee Family. May God grant you strength to hold on.
July 18, 2020
Valeria King
On behalf of the class of 1985 I'm sending sincerest condolences to our classmate Rosemary Waller Beaver in the loss of her beloved sister Janice Waller McGhee. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the entire Waller/McGhee family.
July 17, 2020
Ashley Wiley
Mrs. Janice, Though you are gone too soon just know I will never forget the friendship we have developed. I will forever remember our talks and words of encouragement. May peace and comfort be upon your family. ~ With Love
July 17, 2020
V. Masimasi
My deepest sympathy to the Waller and McGee families. Janice: Your smile and your kindness will be in our memories forever.
July 17, 2020
Dorothy Bizzell
I pray that the love of God who is surrounding you will lift the hearts of your family and all of those who have been affected by your loss. We will miss you.
July 17, 2020
Bessie Shelton
Ms. McGee was always so kind, and had a beautiful smile when I went to her office. She will certainly be missed. To her family, please know that my sincere condolences and prayers are being sent to you. May God give you peace and comfort during this very difficult time.
July 17, 2020
Bessie Shelton
Ms. McGee was always so kind, and had a beautiful smile when I went to her office. She will certainly be missed. To her family, please know that my sincere condolences and prayers are being sent to you. May God give you peace and comfort during this very difficult time.
July 17, 2020
LaShonda Thomas
July 17, 2020
My deepest sympathy to The Waller, McGhee, and extended family. Janice a sweet and kind cousin. Your gentleness will always be cherished amongst those who knew and loved you. Peace & Blessings
July 17, 2020
It truly was a pleasure to know and work with Janice. She was such a genuinely kind and sweet jewel. May God supply all of the family needs and grant them the comfort and strength to face the days ahead. Janice and her smile will be missed. Rest in Heaven Angel! -- Juanita C
July 17, 2020
Julie Kennedy
I didn't know Ms. McGee for a long time, but she was the kindest, most professional person. She definitely made a lasting impression on me. She was so warm, intelligent and funny and made me feel so welcome. I will miss her smile. My heart goes out to her family and friends. This earth has lost a wonderful, kind person and heaven has gained an angel.
July 17, 2020
Carmen wynn
Earth has no sorrow that Heaven and earth can't heal. Sending my Condolences to the Waller and McGee family, great soldier gone with the Lord but forever in our hearts..
July 16, 2020
Mary Ellison
Hi Janice, you got your wings on Monday. I am going to miss coming into the HR department to chat with you and to be surrounded by you "sweet spirit." You may be gone but you will never be forgotten. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." Rest in Heaven Janice!! ~Mary Ellison
July 16, 2020
Monique Silas
A great colleague and loyal friend. We had each others back. I am so honored to have been blessed with you in my life. You ran a great race, now rest well with your Father. To the Waller and McGee family, may God comfort you in your time of mourning and provide you with peace, understanding, strength and perseverance. She was and will always be a precious Gem. Love Monique
July 16, 2020
Katrina Swain
I will forever remember your smile and your laughter. I was reminiscing about the trip to Texas last year when were honor at NISOD. I am praying for supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding surround your family. It is well!
July 16, 2020
Losing someone you love is NEVER easy. My comfort comes in knowing that you're no longer suffering. You fought as hard as you could and although you were physically fighting, I was fighting for you in the spirit, as hard I as knew how. Our family reunion was scheduled to be this weekend but God had plans somewhat different from ours. We will still have our family reunion, it's just not the one that we had in mind! This was apart of HIS plan and even when we don't understand it, we will continue to trust HIM. Rest well my dear! I loved me some Janice and I always will!
July 16, 2020
Rose Saxton
Janice was such a beautiful, kind, sweet person with a a bright smile. She will truly be missed. I am praying that God gives you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. Rest in Heaven "Sweet" Janice.
July 16, 2020
Tresalyn Waller
My dearest Janice, I'm still in disbelief. You are more than a cousin. You were a friend and a confidante. I know you had to go and take your rest. My heart hurts to lose you, such a sweet and gentle spirit you were, whom I've known all my life. We grew up together and shared so many great memories. I was strengthened by your fight and courage. I love you so much. Rest now sweetie, in the precious arms of Jesus. Long Beach, Ca
July 15, 2020
Kendra Peoples
Such a sweet lady. I will be praying for the family...
July 15, 2020
Eula Todd
I am so thankful for the privilege to have known such a sweet angel and for the many laughs we shared at work. She was a joy to know and I will truly miss her. I pray that God will give her family that peace of God that surpasses all understanding to guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus.
July 15, 2020
Cousin Renae
Oh What I wouldn't give to have just one last phone call laughter and hug from you! You always made me laugh girl but now it's time for you to rest in paradise! ! No more pain my beautiful cousin ! XOXO
July 15, 2020
My deepest and sincere Condolences.. Heaven has gained a sweet Angel...Praying for comfort and strength
July 15, 2020
Meresa Stacy
I am going to miss that smile and the jokes that came with it. Peace, comfort, and strength to the family.
July 15, 2020
Gwendolyn Miller
May you be comforted in knowing that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
July 15, 2020
Pamela Walker
Lord knows this is one hurts. I love you so much will truly be missed. Gone but never forgotten
July 15, 2020
Louis Thomas
Sorry for your loss, praying for the Waller and McGhee family
July 15, 2020
Shun Carter
It's hard knowing that you're no longer here with us laughing and joking but you gone home to rest we all will do the same thing some day so you continue to rest and keep that beautiful smile missing you so much my friend
July 15, 2020
Wendy Johnson
To the Waller and McGhee family my heart breaks for you. I will continue to pray that God will comfort and give you all the peace that surpass understanding. Janice was a sweetheart and now your angel. Hold the great times in your memories and grieve as you must. Love you all, your classmate (Richard) and friend, Wendy Dawson Johnson
July 15, 2020
Tisheka Hunt
Sending my condolences to the Waller & McGhee families
July 15, 2020
Carolyn Braxton
Janice, take your rest in heaven. God only take the strong. My deepest condolences to the family.
July 15, 2020
Cynthia Burrell
The last time I saw Janice a few years ago and she smile at me and said hey cousin, I haven't seen you in a long time and we smile at each other and say you haven't changed a bit. No matter how long its been since she saw you she gonna show you some love. I Love You cousin and will never forget you.
July 15, 2020
Tonya Wingfield
"Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal". Sending my condolences to the family. Rest in Peace Janice.
July 15, 2020
Shirley Hart
Rosemary and Tracy, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am only a phone call away. May God's peace surround all of you in this time of sorrow. Love, Shirley
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