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With sad hearts and profound sympathy the management and staff of Glen White Memorial Funeral Home sadly announce the passing of Mother Elnora Washington.
Mother Washington a very well loved and respected senior citizen of Marion Junction, Alabama, entered into eternal rest on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, in Demopolis, Alabama.
Due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19 the funeral services for Mother Elnora Washington will be private and limited to family and close friends by invitation only.
Funeral Service
11:00 AM
New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist ChurchYelverton StreetUniontown, Al36786
Get Directions »
May our merciful Heavenly Father wrap His loving arms around you and give you the comfort that you need. We, along with your Zion Grove Baptist Church family, stand with you during these times.
April 25, 2021
I miss you my Great Auntie. I know it's been a while since I've seen you, but I remember everything about you. You was always so nice and caring. 💜 My thoughts and prayers goes out to you all. Love your great niece Kareemah
April 24, 2021
Jessie Johnson
My sincere condolences to the family. I have special memories of your mother, when I came home to Alabama to visit. She was always so nice and kind. She will be missed. May God comfort all of you and give your peace during this time. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Jessie Johnson
April 24, 2021
Rosie Hardy
My dearest aunt will be missed very much,she always said she wanted a house on the hill by the road so all the people can stop by and that's what she had,our prayers are with the family. Love you,Rosie Hardy and family
April 24, 2021
Saundra McDuffie
I will always remember Aunt Elnora with such fondness and warmth. Those memories I have will live on forever and be cherished for years to come. Our prayers and thoughts are with you for the loss of your mother. Saundra (Hardy) McDuffie & Family
April 24, 2021
Tina Johnson Riley
To the Washington Family, Thank you for sharing your mother with me and so many others. I remember riding with her on my first day of Headstart at the Center where my education began. We developed a close relationship that I will always cherish. Mrs Elnora Deloris Washington was exactly who God wanted her to be and what we all needed her to be. I love you all-Tina Johnson Riley
April 24, 2021
Sarah George
May God's grace comfort and keep you during your time of bet bereavement.🙏💞
April 24, 2021
Alfred Johnson
With heartfelt condolences to the family of our neighbor Mrs; Washington, may God grant you peace and comfort during this time of bereavement. - Alfred Johnson
April 24, 2021
Nabeehah Mahdi
Aunt Elnoria will be great missed but her warmth , Kindness, and gentle Spirit will be remembered forever. Precious and Raoof
April 24, 2021
Jean Powell
What a beautiful spirit, what a beautiful soul. May God rest her soul in peace. Mrs. Washington will forever live in our hearts. Chris, June, Curt, and Bren -May the love of God and the wonderful memories of your mother comfort and sustain you during this dufficult time. Jean Johnson Powell and Family Indianapolis, Indiana
April 24, 2021
Rena Clemmins
My condolences to the family. Always in my prayers. Rena Clemmons and family
April 24, 2021
Shelly Ann Moore-McGee
Sending you all my heartfelt condolences 🌹 in the loss of your mother. She was a cornerstone in the Bogue Chitto Community. We loved and respected Mrs. Washington. She is gone from our site, but never from our hearts! Praying for God to bless and keep you all. Shelly Ann
April 23, 2021
Tommie King
Our family has lost a precious jewel. Auntie, we will forever remember your love of family, that infectious laugh, but more importantly your love of God which you didn't hesitate to share. The void your passing has left in our hearts and the community is beyond words. Tommie King and Family
April 23, 2021
Nabeehah Mahdi
I was so privileged to have you as my Aunt that meant so very much to me. You was such an important part of our family, I am going to miss you, you will always be in my heart ❤️ Nabeehah (Precious) and Raoof
April 23, 2021
Bogue Chitto Community Development Foundation
We, the Bogue Chitto Community Development Foundation, Incorporation light this candle in honor of the beautiful life and memories of Mrs. Elnora Washington. We will forever cherish her in our memories of love, commitment, hope, and stability in the Bogue Chitto Community. We thank God for Mrs. Washington and for her vision of a community center for children, senior citizens, young adults and others. Shelly Moore-McGee, Chairman of the Board
April 23, 2021
John and Linda Taylor
Moms are important and special people. No one can replace your mom, but God can comfort your heart. We are sorry for the loss of such a valuable person in your life. Extending our deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother and praying that your faith will give you strength in this sad time. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time Mr./Mrs. John and Linda Taylor and Family
April 22, 2021
Sherwin Hunter
Ms. Washington you will forver live in our hearts. You were always kind, always loving; memories of time with you will give me comfort and bring a smile. I will miss you. Praying for you family. -- Sherwin Hunter
April 21, 2021
Hazel Lewis Carson
With Deepest Sympathy. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. Hazel and Family.
April 21, 2021
Marilyn King Paris
As we mourn the loss of our beloved Auntie, she will forever be in our thoughts, gone from our sight but never from our hearts. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all of you in this time of sorrow. We Love you Marilyn, Kareem & Andrew
April 21, 2021
Marilyn King Paris
As we mourn the loss of our beloved Auntie, she will forever be in our thoughts, gone from our sight but never from our hearts. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all of you in this time of sorrow. We Love you Marilyn, Kareem & Andrew
April 20, 2021
Lorenzo & Lillie Richardson
With Deepest Sympathy- Praying your strength during your time of bereavement. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all Lorenzo & Lillie Richardson
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