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Deshawn Quartez Powell Sr.
February 24, 1996 - December 09, 2022
Obituary For Deshawn Quartez Powell Sr.
Shawn was born on February 24, 1996, to Joyce Denise Powell and DeVarris Fikes. Shawn confessed to Christ at the age of 16 and joined Living Hope Missionary Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Columbus Powell and his great-grandparents Mary (Henry) Powell and James Fikes all of Uniontown, AL. Shawn leaves to cherish, his mother, Joyce D. Powell of Greensboro, AL, his father, Devarris Fikes of Uniontown, AL; his fiancée: Kadashia Doss; two daughters, Londyn and Royalty Powell and two sons: DeShawn, Jr., and KeShawn Powell all of Greensboro, AL; one aunt: Claudette Williams of Greensboro, AL; three brothers: Curtis Lewis and De- Marion Powell of Greensboro, AL; seven sisters: Tytiana Powell, Shanieka and Shavonta Carr of Greensboro, AL, McKenzi, Peyton, Kendal Hollis of Uniontown, AL and Nigeria Fikes of Montgomery, AL; two grandmothers: Jessie Powell of Greensboro, AL and Brenda Fikes (Henry) of Uniontown, AL; one great-grandmother: Ethel Fikes of Uniontown, AL, ; one uncle: Henry J. Fikes of Tuscaloosa, AL; one special great aunt: Katie M. Powell of Uniontown, AL; one special great-uncle: John Henry Pope of Union- town, AL; two God-mothers: Kenya Mitchell (Lee) and Lisa Freeman (Jerome) both of Uniontown, AL; five devoted friends: James Lewis, Ryan Patterson, Jermaine George, and Sherman Cain all of Uniontown, AL, Kelvineshia Greene of Tuscaloosa, AL. And a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, niece, nephew, and other relatives and friends.
03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Funeral Service
01:30 PM
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