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when my grandson was getting ready for collage, Cedric was there for whatever they needed, always calling telling me let him know if they needed something, Cedric was one in a million, a gentleman always....he had a ministry for giving always to members at the LILY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH...Cedric will be missed but GOD had other plans. Rest my brother, rest...
September 09, 2021
Minister Roderick Herren
My condulences to the Williams family. Brother Cedric was a generous caring and giving person. He will be greatly missed. May God bless his Spiritual family as well as his imediate famil (Rev. Roderick Herren; Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church).
September 08, 2021
Annie B. Allison--Lily Grove Missionary Baptist Church--Birmingham, Alabama
Cedric was such a Gentleman. Words cannot express my sadness. May the comfort of God help you through this difficult time.
September 08, 2021
Melvin Moore
On behalf of God's House of Manifestation we was saddened by your passing. From the first day we meet you we saw the love of God and the love you had for people. We love you Brother and we pray God wraps his loving arms around your family.
September 08, 2021
Julius (JJ) & Debra Jones
Lord knows this is shocking and Painful you was my husband only friend that stuck by him and me when I was battling stage 4 Cancer you stayed, prayed, cut grass ,baby set me and gave all you had to be there for your friends we seen you go hungry to bless someone else you will truly be missed but your reward is with God you will never be forgotten from Julius(JJ) & Debra Jones
September 07, 2021
Andrea Williams
Cedric you were a beautiful gift from God. You gave your love and support unconditionally, I will always remember your smile, generosity, loving heart and words of encouragement that I'll forever carry with me. Rest well until we meet again.
September 07, 2021
Lashae Spencer
RIP Cedric Williams!!!!!! Spencer's Family
September 07, 2021
Labarries Eaton
RIH Cedric!!! GBNF!!
September 06, 2021
Monica Curry
Ced I'm so hurt and shocked over losing you along with our sister! You went out of your way to help our sister and mother(.you were gifted with the ministry of helps). You served your duty as God ordained you and was called home. We love you and will miss you!! Carlton family
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